
Depth Cameras

Previous related publications (mostly patents):

  1. G. Drozdov, Y. Shapiro, G. Gilboa, “Robust recovery of heavily degraded depth measurements”, Int. Conf. On 3D Vision (3DV), Stanford Univ., 2016.
  2. D. Rotman, G. Gilboa, “A depth restoration occlusionless temporal dataset”, Int. Conf. On 3D Vision (3DV), Stanford Univ., 2016.
  3. D.N. Rotman, O. Cohen, G. Gilboa, “Frame Rate Reduction of Depth Cameras by RGB-Based Depth Prediction”, CCIT Report 867, 2014.
  4. G. Gilboa, D. Cohen, G. Yahav, “Ambient light alert for an image sensor”, US 2013/0208091, 2013.
  5. G. Gilboa, “Learning from high quality depth measurements”, US 2012/0249738, 2012.
  6.  G. Gilboa, A. Adler, S. Katz, “Depth camera compatibility” – part I, US 2011/0187820, 2011.
  7.  S. Katz, A. Adler, G. Gilboa, “Depth camera compatibility” – part II, US 2011/0187819, 2011.
  8.  A. Adler, S. Katz, G. Gilboa, J. Tardif, “De-aliasing depth images”, US 2011/0234756, 2011.
  9.  G. Gilboa, D. Cohen, G. Yahav, E. Larry, S. Felzenshtein, “Adaptive high dynamic range camera”, US 2012/0287242, 2012.