Previous related publications (mostly patents):
- G. Drozdov, Y. Shapiro, G. Gilboa, “Robust recovery of heavily degraded depth measurements”, Int. Conf. On 3D Vision (3DV), Stanford Univ., 2016.
- D. Rotman, G. Gilboa, “A depth restoration occlusionless temporal dataset”, Int. Conf. On 3D Vision (3DV), Stanford Univ., 2016.
- D.N. Rotman, O. Cohen, G. Gilboa, “Frame Rate Reduction of Depth Cameras by RGB-Based Depth Prediction”, CCIT Report 867, 2014.
- G. Gilboa, D. Cohen, G. Yahav, “Ambient light alert for an image sensor”, US 2013/0208091, 2013.
- G. Gilboa, “Learning from high quality depth measurements”, US 2012/0249738, 2012.
- G. Gilboa, A. Adler, S. Katz, “Depth camera compatibility” – part I, US 2011/0187820, 2011.
- S. Katz, A. Adler, G. Gilboa, “Depth camera compatibility” – part II, US 2011/0187819, 2011.
- A. Adler, S. Katz, G. Gilboa, J. Tardif, “De-aliasing depth images”, US 2011/0234756, 2011.
- G. Gilboa, D. Cohen, G. Yahav, E. Larry, S. Felzenshtein, “Adaptive high dynamic range camera”, US 2012/0287242, 2012.